May 9, 2021

Microservices and observability


In the last months I have been dealing with Kubernetes based (micro)services that I could not change, either because they were off-the-shelf or because they had been externally developed. In terms of observability this is a challenge, especially when application metrics are only partially available.

I could have opted for a service mesh, but implementing Istio for an application composed of 20 microservices seemed quite overkill, adding a lot of complexity and cognitive load. So I decided to look for a proxy/reverse proxy that would do the job. My requirements are around gaining visibility based on the RED metrics:

  • R: request throughput per second
  • E: request error rate, either as throughput or as a fraction of the overall throughput
  • D: latency or response time

After looking into different options like nginx (Prometheus exporter) I finally came to the conclusion that Envoy seemed be a good fit:

  • it is used in many service meshes like Istio, Consul, Kuma
  • it can be statically configured and does not require any other components like a sidecar injector or a control plane

Options I have not looked into (but may in the future):

All the examples from this post (and more) can be found here on Github.


Envoy provides statistics as a tree for each cluster, in different formats like statsd and prometheus. In this post we will keep things simple, and use the Prometheus format.

A few examples:

  • upstream_cx_total: Total connections
  • upstream_cx_connect_fail: Total connection failures
  • upstream_cx_connect_timeout: Total connections with a connect timeout
  • upstream_rq_<*xx>: Aggregate response codes, e.g. 2xx, 3xx, etc.


Configuration: since we will not implement Envoy with a service mesh we will be using static configurations. Envoy will load these as a yaml-file from a config-map. The Envoy Gitlab repo has many examples of static configurations for different use-cases.

Listeners: define the endpoints for inbound traffic (from Envoy’s perspective) as well as how the traffic will be routed

Clusters: define where outbound traffic will be routed to

A simple example config where Envoy listens on port 10000 and forwards incoming http traffic to localhost:80. The full example can be found here.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: envoy-config
  envoy.yaml: |
      - name: listener_ingress
          socket_address: { address:, port_value: 10000 } # <-- this is the port envoy will listen on
        - filters:
          - name:
                  - route: { cluster: ingress_service }
      - name: ingress_service
          cluster_name: ingress_service
          - lb_endpoints:
            - endpoint:
                    address: # <-- this is where the traffic will be routed to
                    port_value: 80  



We will add Envoy as a sidecar container:

Simple Envoy config

The ingress controller routes incoming traffic to the service, that in turn forwards the traffic to the port Envoy listens on (in this example port 10000). Envoy, based on the config, forwards incoming traffic on port 10000 to localhost:80 (the port nginx listens on).

Exposing metrics

To expose metrics we need to add the admin endpoint to Envoy. The complete example can be found here:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: envoy-config
  envoy.yaml: |
        socket_address: { address:, port_value: 9901 } # <-- this is the metrics port

and expose Envoy’s metrics endpoint to Prometheus for scraping (in the service):

kind: List
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Service
    name: nginx-svc
    annotations: "true" # <-- for prometheus to scrape "/stats/prometheus" # <-- this is the URL envoy exposes metrics on "9901"   # <-- this the the port envoy's admin interface listens to (defined in the configmap)

Other examples

The Gilab repo contains the more complex examples that are all based on the same pattern:

  • Example 2: contains two listeners, one called listener_ingress forwarding traffic to the same pod, and one called listener_egress_http_http forwarding traffic to another service running in the same namespace
  • Example 3: adds two more listeners, one called listener_egress_http_https forwarding incoming http traffic to an external service using https, and one called listener_egress_https_passthrough configured as an https passthrough proxy
  • Example 4: extends Example 3 by adding Toxiproxy between Envoy and httpbin. Toxiproxy can then be used to generate chaos (variance in the latency, timeouts) in order to have dashboards showing something representative. A few examples on how to control Toxiproxy can be found in the repo’s README


Since the whole experiment is about observability we finally need something to look at. The dashboard can be found here

Request throughput by latency

This panel shows the requests per second for different slices of response time:

Request throughput by latency

The metrics:

(rate(envoy_cluster_internal_upstream_rq_time_count{kubernetes_namespace="observability",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service"}[5m]) - on() rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{le="10",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service",kubernetes_namespace="observability"}[5m]))
(rate(envoy_cluster_internal_upstream_rq_time_count{kubernetes_namespace="observability",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service"}[5m]) - on() rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{le="100",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service",kubernetes_namespace="observability"}[5m]))
(rate(envoy_cluster_internal_upstream_rq_time_count{kubernetes_namespace="observability",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service"}[5m]) - on() rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{le="1000",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service",kubernetes_namespace="observability"}[5m]))
(rate(envoy_cluster_internal_upstream_rq_time_count{kubernetes_namespace="observability",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service"}[5m]) - on() rate(envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{le="5000",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service",kubernetes_namespace="observability"}[5m]))

Request error rate

This graph panel shows the rate of response codes 2xx and 5xx per second:

Request error rate

The metrics:


Variance in latency

This graph panel shows the rate of requests per second with a latency < 10ms compared to the overall throughput:

Request error rate

The metrics:

rate(envoy_cluster_internal_upstream_rq_time_count{kubernetes_namespace="observability",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service"} - envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_time_bucket{le="10",envoy_cluster_name="ingress_service",kubernetes_namespace="observability"}[2m])

Envoy dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview on all the Envoy instances running on a Kubernetes cluster.

Further thoughts


I have encountered one issue that I was not able to fix yet: when using Envoy as an https passthrough proxy you expose Envoy on localhost to the application, and configure the cluster to forward to your remote target. Depending on the client, this may cause TLS issues (with SNI). A workaound is to expose Envoy as http and forward the traffic using https; it is not as transparent though.


Thinking about scaling-out this concept to many microservices, there are some things that can/should be optimized:

  • generating Envoy configs
  • Mapping and remote targets of your application to local Envoy listeners, and moving the remote target to the Envoy cluster configurations
  • Naming listeners and clusters consistenly (e.g. as labels of your pods and/or remote targets) so that they can be dynamically be queried, and stay readable
  • Generating Gafana dashboards or populating these dynamically

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